Sunday, September 20, 2009

Da Shack

Well - this book has obviously brought out a lot of emotions in everyone who has read it so far. That within itself I find very interesting. I do agree when Shawn said the writing wasn't the best. I have seen much, much better. However I am thankful I read this book now. For everyone who doesn't know my mother died surprisingly in July of this year. Which brought on a lot of feelings while reading. I was able to look past some of the "prechy" conversations between God and Mack - that was probably the worst part of the book for me.

Two of my favorite parts so far is when Mack first gets to the shack and he is reminded of his great sadness. He gets so angry that someone might have been toying with his emotions that he walks out of the shack and yells at God. I can honestly say I knew exactly how he was feeling at the moment. In fact, I found I yelled the same things to God desperate for any hope. And of course my other favorite part was when Mack sees Missy underneath the waterfall. I couldn't stop crying, just imagining what a beautiful experience that would be if I could see my mother again, and know she was ok... just the thought of seeing her again tugs at my heart strings.

Although I haven't quite finished the book yet (I should be done by the end of this next week) the message that this book brings is beautiful. The author is able to break the barriers of the views we have on God. The last thing I picture when I think of God is a black women. But I could understand where they were coming from. I hope others around the world are able to pick up this simple book and when done have more of an appreciation for God.

As far as Brandon's book choice goes... I won't lie, I am worried. :)

Pressures on! Make it a good one babe!

1 comment:

KK said...

I was drug to the Shack, but loved it!