Sunday, May 2, 2010

How's It?

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to see how the reading was going. I quite enjoy this book and have read it several times. I am interested to know all y'alls thoughts. :)


Rachel said...

Ah, crap. Is it May already? I am almost finished with it and I like it. Although, I'm not as in love with it as I thought I would be. But, its a classic right?

Karen M. Peterson said...

I've read this book several times, and I always seem to have a different reaction to it. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. But the one constant is that I always want to hit Daisy with the car.

Unknown said...

Karen, I think that is the best thing I have ever heard anyone say about the Great Gatsby. And if you agree that the eyes are not God, you are more amazing than I have ever thought.

Brandon Wilde said...

I'm halfway done. I've been slacking even on my own book choice. Will finish soon.

Brandon Wilde said...

I finished it, and I did like it, although I'm not sure what to say about it. I think Gatsby was a good guy who mistakenly believed he could have it all, but thanks to all the shallow people he surrounded himself with in a world of excessive wealth, he ended up with nothing at all. Everyone in this book is a horrible person except for Gatsby. He was just lost.

I liked the narrator as well. He was interesting. And I liked how it didn't really give you much backstory on any of the characters, but you came to know what sort of people they were through their attitudes and behavior.

At the end of the book I felt that I had hung out with those people, rather than having someone just tell me about them. It was very vivid.