Hello. Hello..... I was wondering if and when I get to choose my book----it was supposed to be August----but there was no July....so....
Anywho.....just wondering how things are going out there in book land? Are we ready to get back into the swing of things? I am still one book behind, but am still willing to give this a shot.
And by the by......HAPPY WEDDING IN SEPT----RACHEL AND BRANDON!!! You guys are too cool for school....
Oh....and I just put Johnny Depp on here, cause he is a hottie and I like to think that he is my friend.....
Ha ha. Oh Shawn, I love you. I've been SWAMPED with wedding crap, and haven't been keeping up with this as I should. Although, I am ready for another book... no one better then you to pick.
Shawn, you rock. So much. I thought you had put the Depp picture to get peoples attention, but pretending you are friends is good times as well. Anyway,I am ready for a new book whenever, and have actually been wondering where everyone has been too. So I am glad someone said something!
So are we getting this party restarted?
I'm sorry about July. I up and left the country for a few weeks. Should we just start in October?
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