Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Edward!

Alright, here we go...

Really, I constantly had to keep myself motivated to read this book. Nothing really exciting happened and I don't think I really understood where Edward was coming from. I'm all about saving the wildlife, but sometimes he got preachy and extreme about it. He would rather kill a human than a snake? Come on!

He did however make me ever so slightly wish I was sitting next to him. Some of the writing was poetic and I wish I was there to see what he was describing. It was interesting to watch him as a man combine with nature. I think the problem with me though is that I don't feel the same way he does, so it was hard to relate.

So really, other then him being poetic I didn't really like the book. I guess Moab will forever be a mystery to me.


Shawn said...

Oh, Rachel----I agree with you----he seemed a bit pompous, as I said before. I didn't really like the book either---he seemed like a huge oxymoron----killing rabbits on one hand and making other animals more important than humans. I am not a big desert lover, either, so was not as inspired by Moab....

But as you say, it was interesting to see someone else's insights on nature, etc.

Shawn said...

I meant "making other animals more important than humans, on the other hand...." Duh.

Unknown said...

I too felt the slowness of this book and I found myself frustrated with Mr. Edward a few times... Except now I wonder if that was a literary device, the slowness and the stillness of it all.

I have a hard time getting into these types of novels, I am not really sure why. I appreciated many of the poetic elements, which has been said. But I did find myself wanting to go back to Moab the more I read.I wonder if it helps to have been there.

Brandon Wilde said...

It definitely does help to have been there, I guess. I have spent a lot of time in Moab and the desert, and have had many similar experiences to what he has described. So it all hits me close to home I guess.

I can't deny that he does get a bit preachy. Ah hell, I guess he gets a lot preachy. But that's also something I appreciate about the book. I like that he feels strongly enough about what he is saying to take a stand. I think a lot of writers are too safe in trying not to offend their readers. I like writers who tell it from the gut.

I do love this book completely, but I didn't really expect everyone else to see it the same way as me. I do appreciate those of you who gave it a try.

Joy said...

so sweet, nice writting