Hey all,
I am sure that somewhere in the past few months, we have all stopped and said, "Wonder what ever happened to that online book club that I belonged to?" "And what ever happened to that Shawn girl....did she just run away with Johnny or what?"
Well---in my defense, I haven't had much time.
Blah, blah, blah, you say. Who wants to hear that crap? And no.....I didn't run away with my best friend, Johnny, but I still have the occasional dream that I do, does that suffice?
Anywho----congrats to Rachel----who is an ole' married lady now!!! (Ring dem bells, girl!!) Love you tons!!!
I think that it is about time to get back on track again----so I am taking the ball and RUNNING WITH IT----CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!
That said----with holidays right around the corner, I will do the Oct./Nov. pick and it is a goodie, let me tell you!!!
In honor of Halloween and dead things and all, I am going to introduce you to an amazing author and amazing protaganist----hope you haven't read this book or series before, as you will want to----as they are fantastic! The book I chose is "Mistress Of The Art Of Death" by Ariana Franklin. This is just one in a series of amazing books that I couldn't put down.... If you like this one, you will WANT to keep reading the others!
This is Good Reads description:
In medieval Cambridge, England, Adelia, a female forensics expert, is summoned by King Henry II to investigate a series of gruesome murders that has wrongly implicated the Jewish population, yielding even more tragic results. As Adelia's investigation takes her behind the closed doors of the country's churches, the killer prepares to strike again. And Bantam Press:
A child has been murdered and residents in Cambridge claim he was crucified by the Jews. The Jews provide Henry II with a large part of his revenue and requires that the real killer be quickly found. From Naples come Simon of Naples, an renowned investigator, Mansur the Saracen, and a woman doctor trained in the study of corpses at the School of Medicine in Salerno, Adelia Aguilar. The bodies of other children are found, and Adelia is determined to find their killer.
The best part about this book is the historical aspect of the early forensics in England----and even though the author apologizes for the modern text, I thought that it was quite archaic and right on the money for the time period, which is in the 12th century.
I have to admit that I have read it, but I am planning on re-reading it again, as I enjoyed it so much. If you have already read this one-----read the next one-----"The Serpents Tale" or the third----"Grave Goods"----or the 4th one, "A Murderous Procession". Don't read them out of context or it won't make as much sense, even though the author gets you up to speed, per say.
I hope you enjoy this book....and, hopefully, the series. Amazing writing and just wicked good!