Tuesday, June 2, 2009

(insert cool intro title)

Hey guys! Nice to "meet" you. I figured that, now that someone besides Rachel has taken the initiative to introduce themselves, I'd go ahead and say hello. My name is Alaina and I love to read...and to write. Therefore, this is a genius idea; a perfect combination!

I don't really know what else to say. I am so not good at introducing myself. I hate interviews for that very reason. "What would you say is your biggest weakness?" What, do you really think I'm going to go into my personal life with you just because I'm desperate for a job? Screw you! "I'd say it's that I'm too much of a perfectionist." Haha, bull shit! I mean, I am, but that's not my biggest weakness. Maybe one of these days I'll shock them and say something like, "Getting high. That's my biggest weakness....you don't do drug tests, do you?" I'd love to see someone's face after something like that!

Okay, so that was a bit random. My apologies. Anyway, you'll get to know me better as this thing progresses, so I'll just leave it at this, shall I? Hope to hear from the rest of you soon!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Alaina - this intro is my favorite. You are so funny.