Friday, June 19, 2009

June reading so far....

So, yesterday I picked up my copy of The Gargoyle at the Orem Library. I had put it on hold about a week or so ago because the library's only copy was checked out (did any of you have it?)

First impressions: The book has a really interesting cover. I really like it. Even though we were taught not to judge a book by it's cover, I do, so sue me.

The hardback cover is a plus. Not always required, but I do love hardback books.

I'm only about one chapter in but so far I really enjoy Mr. Davidson's writing style. His descriptions are so good and everything just seems to flow. I can't wait to continue reading it.


Rachel said...

I really like his writing style too. I'm glad you started. I need to keep reading so I can finish soon. Lots and lots of reading!

Karen M. Peterson said...

It sounds like a really good book. I'll get to reading it. I just need to finish the one I'm on right now. If only I had listened to Shawn sooner and joined in this blog LAST month!

Brandon Wilde said...

I always judge books by the cover. I get totally turned on when the publisher puts forth the effort to design a beautiful cover for the book, rather than just putting a tacky picture of Fabio and some vixen, or something.