Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Reading Fool

Hey there.

I'm Shawn.

I used to get my books taken away for punishment, as a child. When I didn't get the things done that I was supposed to do.....because I was reading.

I lived most of my junior high and high school days walking around in a fog, as I was always "in" my books. Yeah, I'm a book nerd like that.

Reading could drug of escape from the first love.

And you know that list of the books that we are supposed to read-----well, I've read like 64 of them, so that tells a lot about my obsession with all kinds of books.

I never stop reading----and if I am sitting in a waiting room at the doctors and there is a sign on the wall-----I will read it over and over......because I HAVE to.

That's how I roll.


Rachel said...

Oh Shawn... I love you.

Karen Peterson said...

We are soul mates! Seriously, I always try to have reading material with me at all times. And if I don't, I read signs over and over again too. It's terrible! I used to memorize the backs of all the cereal boxes!

Brandon Wilde said...

That's a terrible, good story. What sort of parents would take books away from a child? Most children won't read books unless forced, and then they will just skim over the pictures and stuff, and pretend to be reading. I just don't understand it.

I'm not that much of a reader. If I'm stuck in a waiting room of any kind I just trace the cracks between the ceiling tiles with my eyes.